Divergent epub

Divergent epub
Book Info:
Divergent ebook
Series: Divergent (Book 1)
Author: Veronica Roth
ISBN-10: 0062024035
ISBN-13: 978-0062024039
Publish Date: (2012)
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Pages of Book: 487 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Suspense & Adventure
Divergent is the first novel in the Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth, published in 2011. It sets in a post-apocalyptic Chicago and in a society where people are classified into five factions in the light of their personalities. One of the main protagonists is a young girl named ‘Tris,’ whose endeavoring her own identity. The factions are for various people: for the selfless, for the peaceful, for the honest, for the intellectual. Those who do not have any faction; do not have a life and live in poverty. Veronica takes us into a journey in her debut novel; that involves love and youth in a peculiar society with a touch of science fiction.
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