Fifty Shades of Grey epub

Fifty Shades of Grey epub
Book Info:
Fifty Shades of Grey ebook
Series: Fifty Shades
Author: E. L. James
ISBN-10: 0345803485
ISBN-13: 978-0345803481
Publish Date: (April 3, 2012)
Publisher: Vintage Books; 1 edition
Pages of Book: 5314 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Romance
The first installment in the Fifty Shades trilogy, Fifty Shades of Grey focuses on two protagonists; Anatasia, a college girl whose still a virgin and Christian Grey, whose a wealthy entrepreneur. The novel is an erotic romance novel by British Author E. L James published in 2011 by Vintage Books. Anastasia’s friend Katherine writes for the college newspaper; due to sickness she cannot go to interview the young entrepreneur, so she sends inn her friend instead. Anastasia finds the young man very intimidating and attractive; breathtaking. Surprisingly, Grey has the same idea. The story begins. The novel is of a sadomasochistic nature and involves a lot of sexual cliche’s.
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