The Fiery Cross epub

The Fiery Cross epub
The Fiery Cross ebook
Series: Outlander (Book 5)
Author: Diana Gabaldon
ISBN-10: 0440221668
ISBN-13: 978-0440221661
Publish Date: (August 30, 2005)
Publisher: Dell; Outlander edition
Pages of Book: 1443 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Time travel, Science Fiction, Historical novel, Romance novel, Historical drama
The fifth book in Outlander series of novels by author Diana Gabaldon, published in 2001. The Fiery Cross is the end an age, and focuses on the American Revolution, picking up the story exactly where it was left by its predecessor. Jamie has now been called to put down a rebellion and soon he would betray the very king he worked for. The end is coming with intricate plots and tragic betrayals with touch of explicit character introduction, the family will now face war.
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