Pride and Prejudice epub

Pride and Prejudice epub
Pride and Prejudice ebook
Series: Penguin Classics
Author: Jane Austen
ISBN-10: 0141439513
ISBN-13: 978-0141439518
Publish Date: (December 31, 2002)
Publisher: Penguin Books; Penguin Classics edition
Pages of Book: 480 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Satire, Fiction, Novel, Novel of manners, Romance novel
A man with only daughters, five daughters; Mr. Bennet who lived in Longbourne estate had 5 daughters. Blessed with this many daughters, Bennet only watched how silly they were and did not guide them at all, his daughters are silly and thoughtless and so is their mother but the eldest ones are not, Jane and Elizabeth are intellectual young women now. Mr. Bennet is agonized by his wife, not much agony; she just tries and persuades him to visit a young man who might marry one of their daughters. Elizabeth Bennet is the protagonist in the novel and the whole story stares the emotional development of her with a touch of drama and comedy in the British Regency. This novel by Jane Austin is a splendid example of literature, published in 1813; it is a mark of true narrative with the richest of description and authenticity, richest with chronology of life and the essential within a young woman, Elizabeth. The novel hopes to describe her growth and it does, catches you in.
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