Natural Born Charmer epub

Natural Born Charmer epub
Natural Born Charmer ebook
Author: Susan Elizabeth Phillips
ISBN-10: 0380808080
ISBN-13: 9780380808080
Publish Date: February 5th 2002
Publisher: Avon
Pages of Book: 432 pages
Language: English
Genre: Fiction, Romance novel, Contemporary romance
Chicago Stars quarterback Dean Robillard is the luckiest man in the world: a bona-fide sports superstar and the pride of the NFL with a profitable side career as a buff billboard model for End Zone underwear. But life in the glory lane has started to pale, and Dean has set off on a cross-country trip to figure out what’s gone wrong. When he hits a lonely stretch of Colorado highway, he spies something that will shake up his gilded life in ways he can’t imagine.
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