The Adventures of Oliver Twist epub

The Adventures of Oliver Twist epub
The Adventures of Oliver Twist ebook
Author: Charles Dickens
ISBN-10: 1542047455
ISBN-13: 9781542047456
Publish Date: December 1st 2005
Publisher: Cosimo Classics
Pages of Book: 656 pages
Language: English
Genre: Classic, fiction
Oh you really expect him to come back, do you?” inquired Mr. Grimwig. “Don’t you?” asked Mr. Brownlow, smiling. The spirit of contradiction was strong in Mr. Grimwig’s breast, at the moment; and it was rendered stronger by his friend’s confident smile. “No,” he said, smiting the table with his fist, “I do not. The boy has a new suit of clothes on his back, a set of valuable books under his arm, and a five-pound note in his pocket. He’ll join his old friends the thieves, and laugh at you. If ever that boy returns to this house, sir, I’ll eat my head.” -from Chapter XIV In February 1837, the new British magazine Bentley’s Miscellany published the first installment in a serial story written by its editor. Its star was a good-hearted orphan boy; its author was Charles Dickens; and by the time it concluded in March 1839, Oliver Twist would become one of the most beloved of Dickens’ novels.
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