Mrs. Dalloway epub

Mrs. Dalloway epub by
Mrs. Dalloway ebook
Series: —-
Author: Virginia Woolf
ISBN-10: 0156628708
ISBN-13: 978-0156628709
Publish Date: (1990)
Publisher: Mariner Books; 1 edition
Pages of Book: 224 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Literature, mystery, thriller & Fiction
In Mrs. Dalloway, the novel on which the movie The Hours was based, Virginia Woolf details Clarissa Dalloway’s preparations for a party of which she is to be hostess, exploring the hidden springs of thought and action in one day of a woman’s life. The novel “contains some of the most beautiful, complex, incisive and idiosyncratic sentences ever written in English, and that alone would be reason enough to read it. It is one of the most moving, revolutionary artworks of the twentieth century” (Michael Cunningham).
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