Lady of Avalon epub

Lady of Avalon epub
Lady of Avalon ebook
Series: Avalon
Author: Marion Zimmer Bradley
ISBN-10: 0451461819
ISBN-13: 978-0451461810
Publish Date: (December 4, 2007)
Publisher: Ace; 1 edition
Pages of Book: 480 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Historical, Fantasy, Greek & Roman Myth, Legend
New York Times bestselling author Marion Zimmer Bradley brings the mesmerizing world of myth, romance and history to life in the spellbinding novel of epic grandeur!Before the legend of King Arthur and Camelot, there was Avalon, a beautiful island of golden vales and silver mists. A land where the lives of three powerful priestesses shape the destiny of Roman Britian as they fight to regain the magic and traditions of a once gallant past…
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