A Feast for Crows epub

A Feast for Crows epub
Book Info:
A Feast for Crows ebook
Series: A Song of Ice and Fire (Book 4)
Author: George R. R. Martin
ISBN-10: 055358202X
ISBN-13: 978-0553582024
Publish Date: (September 26, 2006)
Publisher: Bantam
Pages of Book: 1104 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Literature, Fiction, Action & Adventure, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery
The novel is fourth in the series; A Song of Ice and Fire, A Feast for Crows was written in 2005. A total of seven planned novels by George R.R Martin, in the novel, the War of the Five Kings is progressing towards its end. Jon Snow is now the 998th Lord Commander of the Nights Watch while Stannis Baratheon is now aiding the wall. After Joffrey’s death his younger brother now rules Kings landing in his stead, under his mother; Cersei. The last of the kin of the Lannister’s, the King Slayer sends Brienne on a journey, a journey to find Sansa Stark; the kin of the north.
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