Black Coffee epub

Black Coffee Book epub
Black Coffee ebook
Author: Agatha Christie
ISBN-10: 0573702349
ISBN-13: 978-0573702341
Publish Date: (January 28, 2014)
Publisher: Samuel French, Inc; 1 edition
Pages of Book: 209 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Literature, Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
Accomplished physicist Sir Claud Amory has constructed a workable formula for one of the most deadly weapons known to man – the atom bomb. Hercule Poirot, with the help of Captain Hastings and Inspector Japp, is called in after the formula is mysteriously stolen and Sir Claud is callously murdered.
A superbly crafted whodunit with endless red herrings, subplots of infamous spies and an astonishingly prophetic storyline about weapons created through ‘bombarding the atom’. One of Christie’s most gripping country house murder mysteries.
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