Drums of Autumn epub

Drums of Autumn epub
Drums of Autumn ebook
Series: Outlander (Book 4)
Author: Diana Gabaldon
ISBN-10: 044022425X
ISBN-13: 978-0440224259
Publish Date: (1997)
Publisher: Dell; Reissue edition
Pages of Book: 1070 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Time travel, Science Fiction, Historical novel, Romance novel, Historical drama
In this fourth book Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon, published in 1997, it continues where the Voyager left a cliffhanger. Claire, the heroine of the novel is reunited with her husband Jamie Fraser. This time they want to be uninvolved with danger and hope to build a home in North Carolina Foothills. But tragedy is about to befall the family and Claire’s daughter in the 20th century discover a very cunning fact about the future of her family in the past. Brianna Ellen Randall is struggling through losing her mother and her curiosity of her second father in the past leads her to discover a great fact that threatens her family’s happiness and now she must endeavor to save them from the tragedy.
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