Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince epub

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince epub
Book Info:
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince ebook
Series: Harry Potter (Book 6)
Author: J.K. Rowling
ISBN-10: 0439785960
ISBN-13: 978-0439785969
Publish Date: (July 25, 2006)
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks
Pages of Book: 652 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Fantasy, Fiction & Adventure
Meetings with the great wizard, Albus Dumbledore, teaches Harry quite a lot about his enemy; the Dark Lords past. The book is sixth in the series, by author J. K. Rowling and was published in 2005 by Bloomsbury. The book focuses on the past of Voldemort and a mysterious book that belonged to a person named “The Half-Blood Prince,” who was a former student; the one who had written various tips and spells in his potions textbook. Harry founds the book and then uses it to achieve excellent results. He also wins something in a contest because of it. The book also holds Harrys preparation against the Dark Lord; when the time comes, will he be prepared?
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