James Patterson Burn epub

James Patterson Burn epub
James Patterson Burn ebook
Author: James Patterson, Michael Ledwidge
ISBN-10: 1455515868
ISBN-13: 978-1455515868
Publish Date: (December 15, 2015)
Publisher: Vision
Pages of Book: 416 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Mystery, Thrillers & Suspense, Crime
While some of the fans I know found the book to be not quite interesting and rather disappointing, I on the other hand think that the book is a very unique narrative and a very interesting thriller. An honest review, to be very frank is that “Burn,” is not the finest work of the writer but still very appalling. It is a detective novel that revolves around detective Michael Bennet who has returned home after facing a bizarre crises, he could not enter new York because he was after the leader of a major cartel in California, he finishes up and is now back into the city. James Patterson is the author and the novel was published in 2014.
But there is no resting for a warrior of the law, one night he receives a very unusual call. The caller told him a rather unbelievable story, he told him that a group of well-dressed men were holding up a party in an abandoned building, the detective thought it to be a joke and gave it no hindrance. After a while his dismissal of the report turns out to be a mistake, a life had been taken in that very building, a person burnt to coal and so a new endeavor begins.
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