Pretty Little Liars epub

Pretty Little Liars epub
Pretty Little Liars ebook
Series: Pretty Little Liars
Author: Sara Shepard
ISBN-10: 0062009540
ISBN-13: 978-0062009548
Publish Date: (June 8, 2010)
Publisher: HarperTeen; Rev Mti edition
Pages of Book: 304 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Romance novel
The start of the first arc, the story revolves around a few childhood friends that meet again after a few years, the main protagonists Alison DiLaurentis, Aria Montgomery, Emily Fields, Hannah Marin and Spencer Hastings are young girls and the novel stares their endeavors, however vicious they may be. The first in the young adult series, published in October 2006, by Sara Shepard with an immaculate lesbo touch I would say. Aria arrives back in town, Aria, a sophisticated young lady now; gets excited and makes out with a guy she sees on the bar which is regrettably her English teacher. It has many turnarounds, a secret between the girls is later revealed. High school politics and much more! A teen masterpiece by Sara Shepard.
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