Sharp Objects epub

Sharp Objects epub
Sharp Objects epub ebook
Author: Gillian Flynn
ISBN-10: 0307341550
ISBN-13: 978-0307341556
Publish Date: (July 31, 2007)
Publisher: Broadway Books; Reprint edition
Pages of Book: 254 pages (This may be different)
Language: English
Genre: Thriller, Murder
The story of a journalist who had a bizarre job of reporting murders, this here is Gillian Flynn’s debut novel. Camille was slowly growing weary of all that she had to deal with, human neglect and crime, the world had been huge and ugly. Her boss was rather a good friend and they got along but when she was handed a job from her old town she immediately refused. There had been a series of crimes in her home town, Wind Gap, the town has a deep connection to her psyche as it is right now.
Camille sometimes hallucinates that symbols are being carved on her body, they were rather words; she thought they appeared while she had carved them herself. She has a hideous past and maybe the cure is where she would eventually end up; in her home town. Her boss supported her when she was hospitalized due to self-harm. She eventually takes the case and returns to her home town. Find out what happens next.
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