The Serpent’s Shadow epub

The Serpent’s Shadow epub
The Serpent’s Shadow ebook
Author: Mercedes Lackey
ISBN-10: 0380761319
ISBN-13: 9780380761319
Publish Date: March 1st 2005
Publisher: Avon
Pages of Book: 464 pages
Language: English
Genre: Children’s literature, Fantasy Fiction, Adventure fiction
Mercedes Lackey returns to form in The Serpent’s Shadow, the fourth in her sequence of reimagined fairy tales. This story takes place in the London of 1909, and is based on “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” Lackey creates echoes of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, pays affectionate homage to Dorothy Sayers’s Lord Peter Wimsey (who plays an important role under a thin disguise), and turns the dwarves into seven animal avatars who masquerade as pets of her Eurasian heroine, Maya.
Some of Maya’s challenges come from the fact that she is not “snow white,” and she has fled India for her father’s English homeland after the suspicious deaths of her parents. Establishing her household in London, she returns to her profession as a physician, working among the poor.
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